
Thursday 13 October 2011

H2O your way into S.U.M.M.E.R

Water keeps your body hydrated and your skin clear, at the same time it also plays a significant role in transporting nutrients to and around your body. Drinking water can help keep you in good health. You WILL be super amazed of the BENEFITS of drinking water --->

Its SUMMER; drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown, reduces hunger, acts as an effective appetite suppressant meaning.. you will eat LESS:)

You'll look younger when your skinis properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturises skin and increases skin elasticity, I mean HELLO.. who wants to look old and wrinkled in this day and age??

your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and concentrated.  The more productive you are, the greater the result. 

Your body feels good and that is why you always feel H A P P Y :)

Now can you see the importance of H2O to your body? Well .. lets drink our way into SUMMER.. -->Yellow SUMMER :)

Thursday 15 September 2011

He Loves Me.. He Loves Me Not. *Sigh*

I am not sure, could this be? Have I met the man of my life?

He is there when I am happy, he is there when I am sad, he cools me off when I'm 'mad'. It seems all so natural and real. I mean to be held by him so tight, helps me to sleep at night. It is such a comfortable feeling to have him around. Is this love I have found? I mean I don’t want to call it love, that’s too serious... How about I rather just call it a caring?
My caring is strong, It has certainly last because it has been a year, a whole year. An untiring twelve months of butterflies, and fuzzy feelings. BUT until when will it continue? I often find myself questioning myself about the strength of it all and deep down I’m willing to wait, infact I want to wait and see. I do not know if it is forever- could it be? I think I never will know which sort of makes it quiet the thrill.. J Why cant life and crushes be easy? (Sigh)

Thursday 8 September 2011

Psssst_Mr Man Over There*

Life is so unpredictable.. where do you stand? its so unthinkable. Breathing day by day I can solemnly say 'Someone special has come my way'. As the sun comes up and lands safely on its side, you bowled me over-invitation to a ride.. 
At first I took no notice but secretly you planted the seed. You grabbed my inner being and captured all my needs.. What is happening to me ? What have you done?  You took hold of me, You control me and everything I am belongs to you.. My feelings for you go beyond anyone's intended boundaries and like a lonesome lioness I will wait patiently for you until you open your eyes and embrace the subtle clues.
I cant describe what you mean to me and how you have claimed my deepest of desires, Every time I talk to you its like droplets of rain that softley places itself on leaves ever luscious and gullably green. Every time its new its as if  I'm seeing you for the very first time..
My heart is not my own for I do not recognise it when I am with you, When I am speaking to you. You changed my way of thinking and alert my every nerve. Ecstasy and butterflies,white doves, sparks of lust you deserve  surfaces within when you come near me. 
You're my everything, far from a fling.. You are undeniably my ONE true love..(sigh)
My love my love.. My DEAREST LOVE

Thursday 1 September 2011

S O C I A L N E T W O R K S = death of society..

Do you speak “social?” There is a lot of writing out there about the effects of social media on business, marketing, branding and customer services. But what about how social media communications is impacting our written communications, or even our oral communications?

I remember how I was almost adamant that email would sonner or later destroy letter writing and even the art of writing all together. Well, personally I believe it somewhat did destroy the art and effort of writing a letter- Okay maybe not totally destroy BUT it has certainly changed it.. Lol..In as much as they all have made life easier and convenient there are some things Twitter, Facebook, My Space, Mxit, Flicker and all the other networks have taken away from us as a society and a group of individuals – making us all just a number .

Thursday 25 August 2011

The meaning of the SPRING season ..

Looking at the transformations in nature and ourselves during spring.. 

When spring rolls into our lives, we start to pick up the slack that winter instilled inside us of becoming sloths. That new year's resolution to join the gym starts being enforced, so you're sure to have your bikini bod back in time for your beach vacation. No more lounging on the couch all day watching football — in the spring you can gather friends together at the park for your own game.
For those of us with allergies, spring is also a wake up call for our immune systems. The ever-changing weather and excess pollen leaves the allergy-ridden population with running noses and sore throats when not prepared. To fight these transformations affecting our bodies negatively, loading up on vitamins like Vitamin C or bee pollen and allergy medicines like Sudafed or Tylenol Cold is essential.
Those who know their immune systems to be out of whack during the spring season are more inclined to protect themselves from all threatening situations. Spring is a season in limbo between the winter and summer months, so nothing is absolute about the weather. You should keep an umbrella, rain jacket and coat with you in your car at all times, ready for whatever weather situations spring may throw your way.

~ The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself. ~  Ernest Hemingway