
Thursday 15 September 2011

He Loves Me.. He Loves Me Not. *Sigh*

I am not sure, could this be? Have I met the man of my life?

He is there when I am happy, he is there when I am sad, he cools me off when I'm 'mad'. It seems all so natural and real. I mean to be held by him so tight, helps me to sleep at night. It is such a comfortable feeling to have him around. Is this love I have found? I mean I don’t want to call it love, that’s too serious... How about I rather just call it a caring?
My caring is strong, It has certainly last because it has been a year, a whole year. An untiring twelve months of butterflies, and fuzzy feelings. BUT until when will it continue? I often find myself questioning myself about the strength of it all and deep down I’m willing to wait, infact I want to wait and see. I do not know if it is forever- could it be? I think I never will know which sort of makes it quiet the thrill.. J Why cant life and crushes be easy? (Sigh)

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