
Thursday 1 September 2011

S O C I A L N E T W O R K S = death of society..

Do you speak “social?” There is a lot of writing out there about the effects of social media on business, marketing, branding and customer services. But what about how social media communications is impacting our written communications, or even our oral communications?

I remember how I was almost adamant that email would sonner or later destroy letter writing and even the art of writing all together. Well, personally I believe it somewhat did destroy the art and effort of writing a letter- Okay maybe not totally destroy BUT it has certainly changed it.. Lol..In as much as they all have made life easier and convenient there are some things Twitter, Facebook, My Space, Mxit, Flicker and all the other networks have taken away from us as a society and a group of individuals – making us all just a number .

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